Private chat for Moderators to discuss work on the site
Captain Hyphie (sorry for putting this in the wrong place)
6/9/2013 12:26:47 am

Hi! I'm a Fungata, which means I'm awesome. Just when you thought the comments would end...

So. Let's recap.

You've long lived the cheese.
You've witnessed Willow Cheese's Monkey.
You've also seen what people can do.

I'm not a virus
I'm not a genius in any way shape or form
I'm a Fungata, living on Amlin
Sometimes being simple is all you can ask for
I'm a shaman
I'm a peace-loving mushroom
So when you feel the world hates you...
Remember that you are just a creature, fighting on the path to sentience.
Peace out.

PS: I also have turned into an evil scout trying to blow up the homeworld of the Chilates. I might have killed a few people in that process. You've had it better than me!


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    April 2013

